The enclosed files are an exercise in using the routines described in the initial issue of Tech Note 306. These routines are PlotIconID and PlotCIconHandle. See the Tech Note (available elsewhere online) for details.
For small (16x16) and mini (12x12) icons, I see a solid Macintosh crash when PlotIconID is applying transforms other than ttNone and ttSelected. That is why the word ╥crash╙ appears in those positions in the window. Since Finder manages to plot small icons using all the transforms, why can╒t I? [Most of the calls Finder makes to this trap, named ╥_SweetIcons╙ according to MacsBug, use routines not yet documented in TN 306. However, I have found some instances of Finder calling PlotIconID, and the stack looks like my stack looks. Oh, well!]
The source is supplied in MPW C form. [Think C users will have to make adjustments.] The application is ready to run, but requires System 7 (and simply quits without action on earlier systems).
Thanks, Apple, for making these handy routines publicly available.